The Bestest in the Barn

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15

This is a very exciting time to be working in a Library. The Michael Wesch YouTube video "The Machine is Us/ing Us" was so exciting and amazing, and then I stopped and thought, "Wow, I know these websites-I USE these websites." Maybe I'm more adept at these things than I thought. The Rick Anderson article "Away From the Icebergs" had a number of points that really struck me, especially the point about user education. Perhaps, because there have been times when I have found some of the 23-Things assignments difficult to complete and I know it has been the same for my co-workers. Going forward, our patrons ARE going to need us to help "train" them in using these resources, so it is very important that we be comfortable in using them. That is why this program has been so good for us and why I need to keep on practicing! I can't wait to see what changes the next few years will bring.

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