The Bestest in the Barn

Friday, August 31, 2007

A Book To Check Out...

"In the Name Of God" by Paula Jolin is a very interesting book. It is the story of Nadia, a seventeen-year-old girl who lives in Syria. Nadia is hijabi and very resentful of the influence the Western world has had on some of her cousins. Her religion is very important to her and she is critical of others who don't seem to give Islam equal weight. I really enjoyed seeing life through Nadia's eyes. And it broke my heart to watch her travel the path from devout Muslim to fundamentalism, and to ultimately get involved with radicals-people who had violence in mind. One reviewer of this book described Nadia as a sympathetic and likeable character and I'm afraid I would have to disagree. Her belief that hers is the only path leads her to be harsh and judgemental of others. (She reminded me of several Christians I know) She puts the worst interpretation on the behavior of others, she rarely has a kind word to say of anyone else, she eavesdrops, she spies, she schemes, she lies-not, I think, a sympathetic or a likeable character. But a fascinating one. And one that, in spite of everything, you care a great deal about. She is, after all a teenager. And like teenagers everywhere, she's trying to find her path. She's full of spirit and zeal and passion. She's just so very real. And above all, a dreamer. This book is well worth the read. Check it out!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

You've Got To Read...

When 15-year-old Tamar's grandfather kills himself, she is devastated. She adored her grandfather and for a time cannot even bring herself to open the box he left her. When she does she finds that he left her a mystery to solve. Inside the box are clues that take her on a journey of discovery that will take her to the river that bears her name and take the reader 51 years into the past. The book moves between 1995 England and 1941 Nazi occupied Holland where we meet another Tamar, a Dutch resistance fighter. This book is billed as a novel of "Espionage, Passion, and Betrayal" and delivers on all counts. It is on of the most powerful books I have read in a long time. One of those wonderful books that stay with the reader long after you close the book. Trust me, this is one that is NOT to be missed.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Final Thoughts

Okay, maybe I'm not finished. I'm supposed to make a wrap-up post refecting on why this project was important. This is difficult, mainly because I'm actually doing it at work where there are a hundred distractions. I do believe this was a valuable and worthwhile project. Libraries need to keep current and be aware of trends and technologies. Now, I know we only skimmed the surface of what's out there, but at least we got a nice overview. The 23 Things page has some wonderful links on it that we can continue to visit and explore and I would love to continue to explore the Web 2.0 award nominated websites further. What this project did was give us some tools to work with. What we do with them from here is up to us.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Wizard Animation

Week 9 Thing 23

Drum roll please, This is my last "Thing". Wow! Looking back over the weeks of this program, I think we have covered a lot of ground. Some of it has been pure fun, some, not so much. But I have learned a lot. Picking out a favorite thing is not so easy. My first impulse is to say Library Thing. I have visited that site on a daily basis since I set up my account there, adding new books as I make my way through the HUGE pile I have to read. What a fantastic resource that will be for me. My own personal virtual library that travels with me wherever I am. I enjoyed my visit to YouTube and think I might try to visit more frequently in the future. In the past, I have only dropped by very irregularly. I loved learning about Zoho and think I will use that frequently. will come in handy to keep my bookmarks portable. I love my Meez and had a great time playing around on that site with my son the other day. Finally, I got to teach HIM something techie! Flickr was a blast and I had the time of my life with the image generators. The big surprise? I love blogging! I plan to continue with heavy emphasis on Juvenile and YA book reviews. But I really think what I liked best was just the whole experience. Yes, it was summer, and the timing was kind of bad, and everything was crazy and, who in the heck came up with 23 things anyway? What's wrong with 10? Or 15? And, blah, blah, blah. But still... It was kind of fun to have a new "assignment" to look forward to every week and new websites to explore. I can't say I loved every technology I learned about, but I certainly enjoyed learning .

Week 9 Thing 22

Well this assignment was certainly a snap! I chose Overdrive since that's who we have our audio books with. I took the tutorial and it was very clear and easy to follow. And, it turns out, completely unnecessary, because when I went to our library's audio books page, I didn't need to use any of the things I learned in the tutorial. For a change I had ALL of the accounts and software I needed already! How about that? All I had to to was sign in with the library card number I already have memorized, choose a book, check it out, and download it. I checked out "The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders" by Jack Prelutsky. So easy a, um, children's librarian could do it! Too bad I can't listen to the book I checked out since I don't have any techie toys. So I just wandered over to Audiobooks For Free from Project Gutenberg and it was even easier there. Okay, I DID have to create ANOTHER account, but after that, no problem. I downloaded two poems there, "If" by Rudyard Kipling and "Hunting of the Snark" by Lewis Carroll. For both, I had the option to get the item free or to pay a fee for better quality or zipped files. Depending on the item you choose, you even get to choose the size of the file you download. Then, it was just a right click and, hey presto, right there on my desktop. A simple matter of clicking on the play button. Not all of the titles I thought I would find were here, but many were. And I'm sure new things are being added all the time. What a wonderful idea! And Overdrive was very easy to use too. I've had training on the product, but doing is better. I should be in a better position to help patrons now. Now all I need is my very own techie toy.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Week 9 Thing 21

Podcasts. Okay. Remember the golden days of yore, when the whole family gathered around "The Radio" to hear the latest exploits of The Lone Ranger and The Shadow? Yeah, me neither. Well, now we can all gather around "The Computer" and LISTEN to the latest installment of MuggleCast from Ah, everything old is new again. But much cooler, because it's "The Computer", right? Boy, do I sound cynical! Sorry, this is the person who doesn't even turn on her TV unless there's a football game on. Now, don't get me wrong, I do think Podcasts have enormous potential as educational tools, (they've certainly helped me throughout this 23 Things assignment) but otherwise? Well, having said all that I dove into the waters of Podcasts and enjoyed the dip. I even found a Podcast I really liked and found VERY useful. I added it to my Bloglines account and might even be forced to visit that account again because of this Podcast. (Something I previously had no intention of doing.) It's called Childrens Book Radio. There's a great website with links to all the books that they discuss. They review one book per broadcast, so it's never too lengthy-perfect for MY short attention span. The host has a genuiune passion for children's books, just like me. A perfect fit. Oh, and I really DID enjoy the MuggleCast too. It was a wonderful discussion of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" and I got a lot of great ideas for a Harry Potter debriefing that my branch is thinking about doing this fall. Is it something I would listen to on a regular basis? Well, I think, that, just like TV, I'd really just rather read a book.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 9 Thing 20

It would be easy to dismiss YouTube as a fun diversion, just a way to pass some time and get a few laughs, but I understand that fewer people are getting their news from network television, and this poses a problem for advertisers and political strategists alike. Since more and more people turn to the Internet for news, YouTube has the potential for reaching these people with advertisements, political and otherwise. I spent some time watching the Political Ads on YouTube and they're a lot more fun than the ones on TV! They're aimed at a younger, "hipper" audience. But my favorite video was a Charlie and Lola (book-based, of course) video called "The Bestest in the Barn" because who can resist the adorable Lola OR or chicken or plays the saxophone?

Week 8 Thing 19

I just finished exploring which won Web 2.0 Best Website award for the book category. It's a site which allows you to self-publish. I took the tutorial and it really looks easy! I looked around the site and I found a book on the site that a nine-year-old girl wrote called "Riding the Storm Out" that was based on a true story about dolphins from an Marine Aquarium that were unable to be evacuated before hurricane Katrina and were swept out to sea. The book is listed on Amazon! The book looks beautifully done and very professional. I can see why the website won first place. The only problem I had with the site is that you can't get to a lot of the features unless you sign up. (Which is really no big deal, I guess--registration is free--I just wasn't ready to sign up yet) All-in-all, I really enjoyed my visit to the world of lulu.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 8 Thing 18

I just got finished exploring Zoho Writer. It was very easy to use. I emailed a document to myself and played around with different fonts and colors. In many respects it is very much like Word, only FREE! Very nice. And I just love the idea of documents being saved to a website. Now, if I leave my flash drive at home, it's not like I've lost a limb--I can access what I need on the Internet. Very convenient. I think I might be spending more time with my new friend Zoho.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 7 Thing 17

I visited the Maryland Libraries Sandbox and added my blog to the "Favorite Blogs" page. I explored the site for a while. It seems like the sandbox is just getting off the ground. There doesn't seem to be a lot on there yet, but with all of us visiting and adding to it I guess that will soon change! Editing a Wiki wasn't very dificult. The instructions were very simple and user-friendly. I think Wikis would certainly appeal to our patrons, even the ones who are a little computer-shy.

Harry Potter #7

I finished reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" yesterday. It was very good, but now I'm sad that it's over. It feels like Christmas when you're a kid. All those weeks of build-up and excitement and then, boom--it's over. We've spent nearly a decade with Harry. My son has grown up with him. Characters we've grown to love are gone, those we've loved to hate, we've seen with new eyes. Who could have predicted what a phenomenon it was going to be? I've read some very interesting reviews of this book online and I have to say, some people seem to be taking it a lot more seriously than I did. I never viewed Harry as a Christ figure, or saw the book as an allegory for World War II. I just thought it was a great fantasy read that inspired a lot of reluctant readers to pick up a book just to see what all the fuss was about. And in my opinion that makes Harry a real wizard AND a hero. So long Harry-I'll miss you.

Week 7 Thing 16

I just finished reading all about Wikis and now I'm ready to make my observations. I think a Community Wiki would be a wonderful and valuable thing and provide a great service to our communities. I know that there are many hidden gems in each of our Library Communities and it would be wonderful to provide a forum to our patrons to bring those hidden gems out into the open. I also really, REALLY like the idea of Subject Guide Wikis. From the bad old days when I struggled to maintain the links on the website, and juggle all my million other responsibilities, this sounds like a great idea! Maybe I'm not so comfortable with patron links being added outright without someone checking them out first, but staff could certainly add links freely.
Now, having said all that, I can speak from the heart. My first love is, and always will be, Reader's Advisory. Please, oh, please, let us "Wiki-fy" the Catalog! How fun is that! Let the patrons annotate the books! Reviews are all very well and good, but what "real" people want to hear is the voice of other "real" people who have read the book. That's one of the reasons sites like Amazon are so popular. And while we're at it, let's have the lists too!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15

This is a very exciting time to be working in a Library. The Michael Wesch YouTube video "The Machine is Us/ing Us" was so exciting and amazing, and then I stopped and thought, "Wow, I know these websites-I USE these websites." Maybe I'm more adept at these things than I thought. The Rick Anderson article "Away From the Icebergs" had a number of points that really struck me, especially the point about user education. Perhaps, because there have been times when I have found some of the 23-Things assignments difficult to complete and I know it has been the same for my co-workers. Going forward, our patrons ARE going to need us to help "train" them in using these resources, so it is very important that we be comfortable in using them. That is why this program has been so good for us and why I need to keep on practicing! I can't wait to see what changes the next few years will bring.

Week 6 Thing 14

I just finished up my Technorati tour. I signed up for an account and even claimed my blog. I doubt I'll ever develop a huge fan following for this blog! The popular searches were fun. I enjoyed a video called "To Blog Or Not To Blog". The story of my life right now. It's nice to have all those hot topics and popular blogs right at your fingertips. Technorati is like the pulse of the Internet.


Technorati Profile

Generator Guy shared a great website with me that is just chock full of great image generators. I made this one there.

Week 6 Thing 13

I really like What a great way of making your bookmarks portable. It would have come in handy when I left CTR because I had a lot of bookmarks to transport. It took me ages to type them up in a word document, and I had to save them onto 3 (count them) THREE different floppy discs. And after all that work, I rarely pull them out and use them because they are so unwieldy. What a difference would have made to me then! I set up an account and tagged several sites. I even added a Network Badge to my profile. Now if I can just remember the address, ANOTHER sign-on and password...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12

I just finished up with Rollyo. I created a search roll for recipes and one for J and YA Reader's Advisory with all my favorite websites on it. It was very easy to do and I put it on my blog so now I have access to all those sites no matter where I am! I can remember back when I was in CTR this would have come in very handy for a "This Day in History" search roll. We always got a lot of questions about that and I had a ton of sites bookmarked. It would have been nice to have clumped them all together into one nice neat little "roll".

Week 5 Thing 11

I lurve, lurve, lurve, Library Thing. I have been hearing about it on Fiction L for quite a while and never really had the time to explore, but this assignment MADE me take the time. Boy am I glad. What a cool site. I think that Library Thing will help me keep track of my Great Books reading. I had a lot of fun adding books to my catalog and I added a Library Thing search box to my blog right above the button that links to my very own catalog. Fun, fun, fun.

Week 5 Thing 10

Okay, how much much fun is this? Image Generators are a blast! I made my Avatar at and that was just too cool. It was like virtual paper dolls. I had a hard time deciding on a final look. I wanted something flashy for my Header and I found that at And then at I found Spongebob! What more could I possibly want? RedKid had a bunch of image generators like the fortune cookie and Scooby Doo. I had a lot of fun with that site.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Week 4 Thing 9

Just finished up with Merlin and the feed search tools. The feed search tools did not give me too much trouble. I liked Topix and Syndic8. Something about the layout of those two just worked better for me. The other two did not appeal to me. And as for Merlin... Well, just let me say, I understand why Nimue locked that grouchy old wizard in the cave! My only regret is that he managed to escape. I had no trouble finding the RS feed for the site because it is located on the change password page, which I visited on numerous occasions. After the FIFTH time that I changed my password and Merlin STILL refused to recognize it, I decided I just wasn't going to have an account, so whatever magical services are available behind the veil will forever remain a mystery to me.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Week 4 Thing 8

I finished setting up my Blogline account and added 14 feeds (I added my own blog). Now when I have the time, I am going to add some of my co-workers blogs. This will be fun to play with when I am on vacation. It's like my own little mini-Fark website. What fun!

You want to read...

The best book I read THIS week is City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Now, this is a book with everything! Demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, yeah, we got 'em. And, in spite of its length (485 pages) this is one zip-zoom-FAST read! Wow. WHEN is the second book coming out? I am on the edge of my seat already.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'm a Ravenclaw!

Want to Get Sorted?
I'm a Ravenclaw!

We were looking for a sorting quiz for our Harry Potter night and we found this website. I got sorted into Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaws are supposed to value intelligence, knowledge and wit. Wow! That's a tall order.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Week 3 Thing 7

I'm really having fun exploring the videos my niece sent me on a new Photo and Video Sharing service called Dropshots. The kids are so cute! It is definitely the next best thing to being there! Now that I've had a chance to play around with Flickr a little, I'll have to get really brave and try my hand at Dropshots!

Week 3 Thing 6

Here is the Trading Card I made on Flickr. I used Casey's picture from the Superbowl party (or it could have been one of the Playoff games). It was a lot of fun making the card. My son tells me it is not authentic though, because the card is clHere is the Trading Card I made on Flickr. I used Casey's picture from the Superbowl party (or it could have been one of the Playoff games). It was a lot of fun making the card. My son tells me it is not authentic though, because the card is clearly a Yu-Gi-Oh card NOT a Pokemon card, but I can live with that. early a Yu-Gi-Oh card NOT a Pokemon card, but I can live with that.

Week 3 Thing 5

I took the tour of Flickr and created an account. I had a lot of fun playing around with some of the features. I really liked the cool "Drops of Spring" picture.(

I took a picture of Corky and put him through the Warhol tool. I uploaded it and made it public.

He looks a little sinister after being put through the Warholizer!

Week 2 Thing 4

I got my blog all registered. Guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be for the next step!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Week 1 Thing 2

The hardest of the 7 1/2 things for me is #1. I am not big on setting goals. I am more of a dive-in learner. The easiest is #2. I have always accepted resposibility for my own learning. It never occurred to me to do anything else!