The Bestest in the Barn

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 8 Thing 18

I just got finished exploring Zoho Writer. It was very easy to use. I emailed a document to myself and played around with different fonts and colors. In many respects it is very much like Word, only FREE! Very nice. And I just love the idea of documents being saved to a website. Now, if I leave my flash drive at home, it's not like I've lost a limb--I can access what I need on the Internet. Very convenient. I think I might be spending more time with my new friend Zoho.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 7 Thing 17

I visited the Maryland Libraries Sandbox and added my blog to the "Favorite Blogs" page. I explored the site for a while. It seems like the sandbox is just getting off the ground. There doesn't seem to be a lot on there yet, but with all of us visiting and adding to it I guess that will soon change! Editing a Wiki wasn't very dificult. The instructions were very simple and user-friendly. I think Wikis would certainly appeal to our patrons, even the ones who are a little computer-shy.

Harry Potter #7

I finished reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" yesterday. It was very good, but now I'm sad that it's over. It feels like Christmas when you're a kid. All those weeks of build-up and excitement and then, boom--it's over. We've spent nearly a decade with Harry. My son has grown up with him. Characters we've grown to love are gone, those we've loved to hate, we've seen with new eyes. Who could have predicted what a phenomenon it was going to be? I've read some very interesting reviews of this book online and I have to say, some people seem to be taking it a lot more seriously than I did. I never viewed Harry as a Christ figure, or saw the book as an allegory for World War II. I just thought it was a great fantasy read that inspired a lot of reluctant readers to pick up a book just to see what all the fuss was about. And in my opinion that makes Harry a real wizard AND a hero. So long Harry-I'll miss you.

Week 7 Thing 16

I just finished reading all about Wikis and now I'm ready to make my observations. I think a Community Wiki would be a wonderful and valuable thing and provide a great service to our communities. I know that there are many hidden gems in each of our Library Communities and it would be wonderful to provide a forum to our patrons to bring those hidden gems out into the open. I also really, REALLY like the idea of Subject Guide Wikis. From the bad old days when I struggled to maintain the links on the website, and juggle all my million other responsibilities, this sounds like a great idea! Maybe I'm not so comfortable with patron links being added outright without someone checking them out first, but staff could certainly add links freely.
Now, having said all that, I can speak from the heart. My first love is, and always will be, Reader's Advisory. Please, oh, please, let us "Wiki-fy" the Catalog! How fun is that! Let the patrons annotate the books! Reviews are all very well and good, but what "real" people want to hear is the voice of other "real" people who have read the book. That's one of the reasons sites like Amazon are so popular. And while we're at it, let's have the lists too!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week 6 Thing 15

This is a very exciting time to be working in a Library. The Michael Wesch YouTube video "The Machine is Us/ing Us" was so exciting and amazing, and then I stopped and thought, "Wow, I know these websites-I USE these websites." Maybe I'm more adept at these things than I thought. The Rick Anderson article "Away From the Icebergs" had a number of points that really struck me, especially the point about user education. Perhaps, because there have been times when I have found some of the 23-Things assignments difficult to complete and I know it has been the same for my co-workers. Going forward, our patrons ARE going to need us to help "train" them in using these resources, so it is very important that we be comfortable in using them. That is why this program has been so good for us and why I need to keep on practicing! I can't wait to see what changes the next few years will bring.

Week 6 Thing 14

I just finished up my Technorati tour. I signed up for an account and even claimed my blog. I doubt I'll ever develop a huge fan following for this blog! The popular searches were fun. I enjoyed a video called "To Blog Or Not To Blog". The story of my life right now. It's nice to have all those hot topics and popular blogs right at your fingertips. Technorati is like the pulse of the Internet.


Technorati Profile

Generator Guy shared a great website with me that is just chock full of great image generators. I made this one there.

Week 6 Thing 13

I really like What a great way of making your bookmarks portable. It would have come in handy when I left CTR because I had a lot of bookmarks to transport. It took me ages to type them up in a word document, and I had to save them onto 3 (count them) THREE different floppy discs. And after all that work, I rarely pull them out and use them because they are so unwieldy. What a difference would have made to me then! I set up an account and tagged several sites. I even added a Network Badge to my profile. Now if I can just remember the address, ANOTHER sign-on and password...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12

I just finished up with Rollyo. I created a search roll for recipes and one for J and YA Reader's Advisory with all my favorite websites on it. It was very easy to do and I put it on my blog so now I have access to all those sites no matter where I am! I can remember back when I was in CTR this would have come in very handy for a "This Day in History" search roll. We always got a lot of questions about that and I had a ton of sites bookmarked. It would have been nice to have clumped them all together into one nice neat little "roll".

Week 5 Thing 11

I lurve, lurve, lurve, Library Thing. I have been hearing about it on Fiction L for quite a while and never really had the time to explore, but this assignment MADE me take the time. Boy am I glad. What a cool site. I think that Library Thing will help me keep track of my Great Books reading. I had a lot of fun adding books to my catalog and I added a Library Thing search box to my blog right above the button that links to my very own catalog. Fun, fun, fun.

Week 5 Thing 10

Okay, how much much fun is this? Image Generators are a blast! I made my Avatar at and that was just too cool. It was like virtual paper dolls. I had a hard time deciding on a final look. I wanted something flashy for my Header and I found that at And then at I found Spongebob! What more could I possibly want? RedKid had a bunch of image generators like the fortune cookie and Scooby Doo. I had a lot of fun with that site.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Week 4 Thing 9

Just finished up with Merlin and the feed search tools. The feed search tools did not give me too much trouble. I liked Topix and Syndic8. Something about the layout of those two just worked better for me. The other two did not appeal to me. And as for Merlin... Well, just let me say, I understand why Nimue locked that grouchy old wizard in the cave! My only regret is that he managed to escape. I had no trouble finding the RS feed for the site because it is located on the change password page, which I visited on numerous occasions. After the FIFTH time that I changed my password and Merlin STILL refused to recognize it, I decided I just wasn't going to have an account, so whatever magical services are available behind the veil will forever remain a mystery to me.